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Lizzie Spencer, Masters Social Ecology/Education, Diploma Wholistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, Bachelor Education, Certificate Steiner Education, Family Constellations.

Lizzie Spencer is a highly experienced psychotherapist, coach and academic teacher, based in the Bowral, South of Sydney, Australia.  

She taught in Steiner Schools for many years and is also a Social Ecologist, looking to nature for helpful and supportive life systems, and brings active hope to the world.

She is a founding member of the Community of Calm whose aim is to train practitioners in Trauma Awareness and to create a Trauma Resource Centre.

Family Constellations and Process Oriented Psychology are at the heart of her understanding and trauma-informed practice.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Lizzie Spencer maintains a private practice. She has employment relationships with the Australian College of Applied Psychology and the University of New England. receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Lizzie Spencer is the co-founder of Community of Calm and Arts for Wellness and is accredited by the Australian Counseling Association.

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