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Getting Started with Couples Therapy Intensives
A New Approach for Fast and Effective Results
With Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. and Lori Weisman, MA, LMHC
February 6, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM CST
$1,195.00 Value
*The total value price is based on the cost of enrollment through The Couples Institute®
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
Live and self-study CE credit options are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.


What is a Couples Intensive?

Why does it matter?

What does it accomplish?

  1. Calming a crisis
  2. Getting therapy off to a strong and focused start
  3. Changing the mindset about change
  4. Developing skills to manage conflict avoidance, repetitive arguments, and emotional reactivity

Why the current model of couples therapy does not work for all couples

What are some benefits for couples:
  • Start therapy in a strong way that is conducive to increasing motivation for the work ahead
  • Focused time results in clear goals and more traction
  • Time to build and practice progressive skills
  • Hope is created when things seem bleak

What are the benefits for therapists
  • Achieve better clinical outcomes for your clients
  • Develop stronger leadership
  • Use tools that work
  • Be more active and proactive in your approach
  • Stop watching the clock and worrying about ending sessions when clients are dysregulated - really have the time to help couples reach their goals
  • Witness significant growth happen in real time
  • Want to lessen your caseload without limiting your earning potential – while improving your impact on your clients

Highlights of the Work
  1. How to set the stage so the couple trusts you and gets down to work
  2. How to set goals that move the couple forward
  3. How to teach about the brain and emotional reactivity
  4. Diving in with tools to work effectively with their biggest challenges
  5. Demonstrate how seemingly simple issues are not what they appear

Therapist skill sets
  • Making explicit developmental stuck points
  • Increasing motivation and enhancing inspiration
  • Teaching about the Brain and Neuroplasticity
  • Disrupting long term conflict avoidant patterns
  • Managing conflict and differences


  • Demonstrate how intensives support skill building for the couple
  • Describe the key characteristics of couples who may benefit from an intensive therapy format.
  • Demonstrate how to increase client involvement and accountability in both traditional and intensive couples’ therapy.
  • Utilize simple, easy-to-follow language to explain key brain structures involved in interpersonal dynamics, such as emotion regulation, and describe how couples therapy can be utilized to work directly with these structures to improve couples' dynamics.
  • Articulate the benefits of differentiation in couples work, demonstrating an awareness of how intensive couples therapy can be utilized to facilitate this process.
  • Demonstrate communication-based interventions that can be used to build new emotional skills in each partner.
  • Utilize an intensive therapy model to create an environment of uninterrupted focus and practice to address conflict avoidance, hostility and stalled progress.


  • Counselors  

  • Social Workers  

  • Psychologists  

  • Marriage & Family Therapists  

  • Addiction Counselors  

  • Physicians  

  • Physician Assistants  

  • Other Mental Health Professionals 

Live Workshop Schedule

February 6, 2025
10:00AM - 6:00PM CENTRAL

8:00 AM - 4 PM PACIFIC
  • What is an Intensive…….4 hours-12 hours
  • Morning Break
  • Continued learning session
  • Lunch – 60 min
  • Couples Intensives video demonstrations
  • Afternoon break
  • Q&A with Ellyn Bader and Lori Weisman
Getting Started with Couples Therapy Intensives
A New Approach for Fast and Effective Results
With Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. and Lori Weisman, MA, LMHC
February 6, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM CST
$1,195.00 Value
*The total value price is based on the cost of enrollment through The Couples Institute®
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
Live and self-study CE credit options are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.

Your Expert Trainers
Ellyn Bader
Dr. Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. is one of the early founders of “couples therapy,” as well as a recognized thought leader and trailblazer in relationship therapy worldwide. Ellyn is the co-founder of The Couples Institute® and co-created “The Developmental Model,” a revolutionary approach that is highly adaptable to the complex needs of two people growing, changing, and staying connected in a relationship. The model has deeply influenced the therapeutic world and is currently used in over 66 countries. Ellyn also co-authored Tell Me No Lies and has been a trusted resource for TV, radio, podcast, and print publications worldwide.

Click here for information about Ellyn Bader

Lori Weisman
Lori Weisman, MA, LMHC, is a Relationship Expert based in both Palm Desert, CA, and Bellevue, WA, who specializes in Couples Coaching, Relationship Intensives, and Marriage Intensives. She's a seasoned relationship expert with extensive experience in helping couples navigate the complexities of their relationships. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of human connection, Lori has dedicated her career to providing guidance and support to couples in crisis. Her expertise spans a wide range of relationship issues, from communication breakdowns to infidelity, and she has a proven track record of helping couples find hope and a path forward.

Click here for information about Lori Weisman
Getting Started with Couples Therapy Intensives
A New Approach for Fast and Effective Results
With Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. and Lori Weisman, MA, LMHC
February 6, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM CST
$1,195.00 Value
*The total value price is based on the cost of enrollment through The Couples Institute®
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
Live and self-study CE credit options are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
No catch. This workshop’s presenters are some of the most in-demand and knowledgeable experts, and that's why we've asked them to join us for this exclusive free webinar where they'll provide the latest insights to help therapists throughout the world.

Thanks to the generosity of our expert speakers and the support of therapists like you, we've had the amazing opportunity to provide professional training to more therapists than ever.
Yes! The full recording package (that includes up to 7.0 self-study CE hours) is just $49.99, offered ONLY for those who register here until the end of the webinar. After that, the price for the recording is set at $249.99.

Just register today above with your name and email, then click the "Self Study" CE button that includes unlimited access to all the recordings, plus self-study CE credits.
Just register today above with your name and email, then click the "LIVE CE" button on the next page to purchase your credit package for just $49.99 (discounted from $1,195) — only available for those who register here and purchase before the end of the webinar.
Yes! Just register above and then click the "Self Study" CE button on the next page and purchase the recording package. You'll get unlimited access to the workshop and be able to earn self-study CE at any time in the future.
Yes! This webinar is completely LIVE, and you'll be able to engage with the presenters throughout the presentation.
Yes! You get unlimited replay access for 14 days after the workshop. Replays will be available within the week after the workshop ends and will be in the same place where the live sessions took place in your account portal.
Psychotherapy Networker is a non-profit educational organization. For over 48 years, we have featured the leading researchers, innovators, and developers in the field through our award-winning magazine, CE trainings, and our annual Symposium.

Our focus is on telling the stories of psychotherapy and being a place where clinicians of all licenses and backgrounds who practice psychotherapy can keep up on what's happening in the field, hear captivating stories from colleagues on what's really happening in their practices, learn through CE trainings from the best in the field, and enjoy the most celebrated annual gathering of psychotherapists in the world each year in March in Washington, D.C.!
Getting Started with Couples Therapy Intensives
A New Approach for Fast and Effective Results
With Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. and Lori Weisman, MA, LMHC
February 6, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM CST
$1,195.00 Value
*The total value price is based on the cost of enrollment through The Couples Institute®
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
Live and self-study CE credit options are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.

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*If you purchase Live CE, please note you would need to watch the presentations that are being presented live in order to receive live credit.
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