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The Kids and Consent Curriculum

25 Whole-Classroom Lessons to Teach Boundaries, Collaboration, and Respect

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Sarah Casper
Publication Date:
Aug 20, 2024
PESI Publishing
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Practicing consent is about more than saying yes or no.

In elementary and middle school, conversations around consent tend to focus on sexual abuse prevention. But if we want kids to value consent as a practice for navigating relationships with mutuality and respect, instead of thinking of it as simply a legal term, we need to expand the way we understand and talk about consent.

That’s why consent educator Sarah Casper decided to write The Kids and Consent Curriculum. Filled with 25 ready-made lesson plans, this skills-based curriculum teaches kids ages 8 to 13 how to practice consent in all areas of their lives. With its playful classroom activities and discussion questions, this social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum goes beyond describing what consent is to instead teach kids the “how” of practicing consent, including how to:

  • Notice what they want
  • Ask for permission
  • Recognize their limits
  • Advocate for their boundaries
  • Handle rejection with grace
  • Be accountable when they misstep

Telling students what consent is isn’t enough to create lasting change. It is only by practicing consent that they can learn how to create safe, healthy, and fun relationships—now and in the future.




Sarah Casper's Profile

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Sarah Casper is the founder of Comprehensive Consent, a social-emotional learning approach to equipping kids and teens with the knowledge and skills necessary for healthy, respectful, and joyful relationships. As a former children’s yoga teacher and PsyD candidate, Sarah incorporates research and practices from mindfulness and psychology to help strengthen students’ abilities to navigate their inner and outer worlds with thoughtfulness, curiosity, and care. Through her in-school workshops, online classes, and social media content, Sarah has helped thousands of kids, adolescents, and adults throughout the world shift their understanding of consent as something we simply “give” and “get” to a practice we are all responsible to uphold. You can find her on Instagram @ComprehensiveConsent.


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